Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunday snoozin'

Roscoe has become an accomplished napper.  He finds respite on sofas, rock outcroppings, a narrow windowsill...but his favorite place to snooze, by far, is on one of our laps.  Within minutes of settling in, he's in full-on paw-twitchin', lip-smackin' REM.

I wonder how it is that animals (well, the domesticated ones, anyway) can fall into such deep slumber at the drop of a hat.  Are their lives really that carefree?  I guess when you consider that we humans tend to their every need - nutritious food on a regular schedule, clean water, climate-controlled shelter, first world healthcare, entertainment - what could there possibly be for them to be stressed out about?  I, on the other hand, have trouble sleeping, tossing and turning over the day's silliest annoyances. Perhaps I've allowed my life to be more complicated than is really necessary. Alas, I think it's time to take a lesson from my friend Roscoe and just go chill out on someone's lap.