Another favorite site for the Phoebes has been the high ledges of our screened porch. Inspired by the billboard companies that add big spikes to the tops of their signs to deter pigeons and other birds from roosting and pooping, Bill has lined our ledges with rows of unwelcoming nails.
For the past several weeks we've had wasps and ladybugs (technically, they are Asian Lady Beetles) exploring every nook and cranny of the stone foundation and chimneys, and some have even made their way inside the screened porch and house. We don't particularly want either of these insects getting a foothold, as they can do harm to people and property. But because our stone provides so many attractive nesting spaces, I'm afraid that excluding these guys will require professional intervention and some toxic chemicals. This has me greatly concerned over the negative impact that said chemicals may have on our bird and bat and butterfly visitors.
It can be a real struggle, this concept of co-existence. What is the "best" way to appreciate Nature while having the smallest possible impact on it? We humans are integral members of our virtue of us living here in the woods, among the birds and bats and deer and insects, we have an impact. So when it comes to being environmentally conscious, it is sometimes really hard to know whether our actions do more harm than good.